CSS Background Attachment

CSS background-attachment

The background-attachment property specifies whether the background image should scroll or be fixed (will not scroll with the rest of the page):

Example :

Specify that the background image should be fixed:

         <!DOCTYPE html>

            body {
              background-image: url("img_tree.png");
              background-repeat: no-repeat;
              background-position: right top;
              margin-right: 200px;
              background-attachment: fixed;

      <h1> The background-attachment Property  </h1>
      <p> The background-attachment property specifies whether the background image should 
       scroll or be fixed (will not scroll with the rest of the page). </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>
       <p> The background-image is fixed. Try to scroll down the page. </p>

Result :

Example Image