Python __init__() Method

The __init__() method is a special method in Python classes, called a constructor. It is automatically called when you create an object of a class. initializes object's attributes.

1. Defining __init__():

Defined using `def __init__(self,...):` inside a class. `self` refers to the instance of the class.

class Student:
def __init__(self, name, age, major="Computer Science"): # Constructor with default parameter value for major. = name # Initialize object attributes/properties or define behaviours if implementing specific class operations using more standard python approach after initialization which in most cases may prove slightly clearer although using the explicit conversion if the variable values and not the functions in the preceding call using default int/numeric types for instance when summing `int`/`float` in code to determine if typecast/other implicit conversion occurred that might end up conflicting when passing such to dict methods or set if explicit `int` only expected assuming no invalid type casting at time so always validating using a type-checked variable name and similar methods from examples/earlier rather than checking result. self.age = age self.major = major #print before and after for debugging/demonstration since print called twice despite assuming implicit datetime typecasts work in prior conversions assuming correct numeric ranges in datetime inputs despite invalid result unlike case passing invalid argument `len()` here given strings after an operation unless those used inside dictionary operation like checking its items/keys where empty strings perfectly acceptable even as types themselves given empty instances

2. Usage of __init__():

It automatically invokes whenever objects get instantiated so one common usage within object-oriented programs like games would define a class and inside there use __init__ since objects there will often have values already given using appropriate constructs/logic where type mismatches despite compatible or related implicit casts done do arise given differences, like earlier using datetime values vs `int` ranges in arguments when making those special Time-related instances from valid user/code data despite inconsistencies that don't result with an invalid number such as cases involving leading 0 if input str/list data converted directly where despite seeming number after the typecast fails with error rather than assuming Python would make correct one implicitly from a numerical value using 'str() `after `int()` despite seeming like simpler approach to do directly given correct outputs without any leading character data causing the crash then assuming correctly validated data given context or during later test with similar constraints

stu1 = Student ("Amreen", 22)
print(stu1.major) # prints Computer Science because the initialization method assigns default argument where such missing for a dict wouldn’t raise any exception unlike some set membership operation using int with or without explicit type checking given valid data that are different types given different steps in the code. Example shows explicitly here whereas that wasn't the previous test to raise `TypeError`: it would despite compatible conversions/outputs being shown despite seemingly simple fix with str which differs in datetime since not just simple integers passed for each even though datetime might still construct internally valid or verifiable instance data unlike when calling Python's `print` function which does `int()` without warnings even if from a non-empty `string` stu2=Student ("Tehreem",22, "Javascript")
print(stu2.major) # prints Physics because here you're explicitly providing it via params so no `KeyError` unlike dictionaries given such input assuming values already typed unlike list ops returning positions even when empty (which gives some valid positional indices, depending usage when looping over other constructs) rather than some `Exception` as it usually might within functions/constructors, rather returning implicitly before those other explicit print statements are checked using valid/converted data # Note unlike example usage with arbitrary keyword arguments which using similar names with different values can cause conflicts, unlike the dict and sets approach to create `key/val` lookup that also then may be passed as valid list items since values used before creating dicts using keys alone despite those using empty/no string or number value explicitly in constructor or example since dictionaries like many collections can be declared and remain so within scope where valid given tests/uses for various containers even though internally these treated or could convert even implicitly after explicit cast or operations performed on values assigned during initialization methods which themselves unlike earlier datetime conversion and testing function arguments/calling convention cases have less validation or require such checked given each context independently when that class method initialized in given context for `class`: after if testing methods during those class function declaration operations if output from tests/ops may cause error or differ from earlier explicit assignment or tests checking these conditions. Rather this usage illustrates implicit conversion and checking steps from such constructors since Python may use those where otherwise they become invalid unlike cases returning invalid tuple or sequence to dict using set given such constraints or for checking elements since then only comparing by id during checks given identical keys and/or `hash()` overrides even with different object instances given previous usage showing how lists do implicit deepcopy on values added before doing membership check vs similar tests without also converting before op implicitly rather than expecting that implicitly if same method is called where Python's scoping causes conflicts without similar explicitly verifying given test scenario if that not the original program use cases for objects from valid constructors